In 2022, almost 50% of adults in the UK reported feeling occasions of loneliness and 7% reported experiencing chronic loneliness, but I wonder if that statistic could in fact be even higher here in Hong Kong. The research also says that connection and community are the biggest and most effective tools we have to deal with the effects of loneliness. When we are in relationship with others, we feel better about ourselves, problems feel more manageable and anxieties seem less intense.

As Esther Perel says “The quality of your relationships will determine the quality of your life”.

Connection starts with one person, whether it is a phone call, or a walk in nature or a shared meal, we feel connected when we are in the company of someone we wish to care for but also able to receive care from.


It starts with an invitation.

Who do you feel you owe a call to? Who would you like to take a walk with? Is there a relationship in your life that needs repair?

It takes a generosity of spirit to be connected to others, it requires us to be generous with our time, our words, our actions and with ourselves. To be connected asks us to show up, to be present and available; both to our own needs and the needs of others. 

To be connected though requires an action, the act of picking up the phone, or going to someone’s house for a meal, these actions are like planting a seed, an intention to be in community and to feel connected and cared for by others.

This is one of the reasons why yoga works, because it encourages and facilitates connection with the self and others. When we come together in shared practice, there is something magical that happens in the room, and I know this to be true as I have both seen it as a teacher and felt it as a practitioner. 

But it does not have to be yoga, it could be a book club, a hiking group, a dance class or an art doodle group……the possibilities are endless.


Connection starts with an invitation

So this is my invitation to you right now to join me in class or on retreat in 2024


Monday 12 - 1pm - STRETCH & MOBILITY - Semi Private Class at OCHK

Wednesday 6 - 7pm - BREATH WORK - Semi Private Class at OCHK

FOUNDATIONS OF YOGA - Starting January 15th - an 8 week programme at The Yoga Room

YOGA RETREAT to CHIANG MAI - March 14th - 18th - see details

Private Yoga Therapy by appointment at OCHK

Charlotte Douglas