You are a multi dimensional human, like an onion, you have many layers & it can take time to slowly peel them back.

My experience as a yoga therapist, but also as a wife, mum & friend, has taught me that when we feel seen & heard, we feel safe.

When we feel safe, we are more willing to show the parts of ourselves that we keep hidden, the parts that we mask.

As Dr. Gabor Maté has so eloquently put it, “Safety is not the absence of threat…; it is the presence of connection“.


In yogic philosophy we call these layers the Panchamaya Kosha model & I view them like Russian dolls, all nestled within each other.

These layers are subtle, they are like radio frequencies, just because you chose to tune into one radio station, it doesn’t mean the others have stopped playing, they are still operating in the background.

You may have a very asana focused practice, but this will still have an impact on your deeper layers & if you’re willing, then I’d like to invite you to explore these parts of you.

Yoga & somatic therapy offers you the chance to slow down, to build greater interoceptive awareness, to develop an internal library of sensation, to get to know yourself & from there, listen to your needs.

This is the work that I do


Want to know more?

Charlotte Douglas