So much of yoga seems to be focused on hip opening and yet what we seem to forget is that before we do this, it really does help to have a kinesthetic sense of alignment and stability in the pelvis and hip sockets else we run the risk of ignoring the signals of the body and potentially over-stretching the ligaments.

The Pelvic Reset is a cornerstone to Donna Farhi’s work, however she says its origins are as a self-help osteopathic technique to realign and stabilise the pelvis so that the femurs are centered in their sockets.

It’s key benefits are

  • Realigns/Stabilises pelvis

  • Facilitates resolution of SIJ* and lower back pain

  • Rebalances hypermobile SIJ

This practice uses the technique of rhythmical isometric muscle contraction to reposition the pelvic bones. It can decompress a compressed SIJ and awaken the ‘ligamentous’ memory of joint snugness in a hypermobile SIJ.

* Sacroiliac Joint


Mobilising the Hips is a practice that can be done following the Pelvic Reset.

It’s key benefits are

  • Improves hip mobility and lengthens the hamstrings

  • Improves spinal health by removing the “pull” on the spine from tight hip joints

  • May bring the pelvis back into a centered position to support good posture and greater ease in walking

This is a highly accessible practice for all bodies. It can be practiced as a way to bring greater ease into the hips and spine.

Charlotte Douglas