Take care of the ME

To all the Women Warriors out there right now, I think you are amazing. Seriously, you are amazing.

However I want to know if you can relate to this or not - vulnerability warning folks.......

When you stop and pause, when you allow yourself a moment of silence, what happens? What are the thoughts that invade your space?

Are the thoughts that take up the space about the things you have not done, the things you did do but did badly, the things you think you should do, people you should see, children you must help, parents you must care for, the food you must buy and cook, the appointments to be made, bills to be paid.....need I go on?

Because when I came to my mat yesterday and sought to find stillness there was only one word that kept coming to me and it got louder and louder. The word was ME. What about Me.

I realised that for the last few weeks I had stopped paying attention to 'me' and it made me feel sad, really sad. It also explained the feelings of discomfort that I had been having for a while now. It took a while but this morning on a call to my Reembody tribe, the tears finally came. They all sat in silence while I quietly wept for the loss of space for myself. They all held me in such love, no words were needed. Only the fact that they were there was enough.

Us women, well we are born carers aren't we and we are strong for all those around us. We are strong for our children, our loved ones, our friends, our parents, our sisters.....the list goes on. We are strong. But that strength can be our downfall, it can become fearful and rigid, unable to flex and move.

So what if we paused on that for a moment and questioned what being strong is and what it means to you. What would it feel like to stop for a second, to get off the hamster wheel and to attend to yourself. I understand that that may feel painful or even impossible and I understand that you may not feel able to do that alone, in which case, please know this. You are not alone.


The work that I do is this. I create a safe place for you, for you to remember what the 'ME' looks like, what it feels like, what it smells, sounds, tastes like. In that space, you find you. You find everything that you need to know in order to explore a new relationship with yourself.

It is not perfect work, however it is my work. Alongside that work that I do others, I also try to give back to myself. Sometimes I forget to do this and it builds up, so today I am reminding myself and all of you, that YOU matter, we all matter.

So pause on the need to be a warrior, pause on the need to be strong, pause on the need to be anything at all and if you think that I can help you in any way, please do get in touch.

In loving kindness


Charlotte Douglas