"For insights to be useful, they need to be generated from within. People will experience the adrenaline-like rush of insights only if they go through the process of making connections themselves. Explaining to others the insights we have gained will not stimulate the process that change their brains."

So today we take the process of enquiry one step further. We start to explore the idea of a "RESPONSIVE SELF PRACTICE" & what this means.

Dan Siegel in his "River of Wellness" shows nicely how life can look, one moment running freely down the flow & the next moment veering into chaos or rigidity. Some days we are able to move back into the river however some times we get stuck & find it hard to return to a state of flow.

If we can understand that the above is reality then it stands to reason that we are never the same person from hour to hour, week to week, month to month. We are always in flux. So our practice needs to be RESPONSIVE to these moments of flux, but in order to be responsive we need to learn to read our own weather report.

So todays practice is this

As you go about your day, notice if you feel that you are in flow or if you have moved out into a place of something else. You do not need to give it a word, it may be a felt sense. However, it maybe useful to write down some words as you go along. Maybe what you notice is a trend within your life or maybe it is a new thing.

Words for RIGIDITY may be - fear, tense, disconnected, stubborn, frozen

Words for CHAOS may be - anxious, confused, disorganised, lack of focus, anger or aggressive outbursts

See if you can get a sense for the general landscape within your life right now.

Now return back to your enquiry from yesterday & see if there is any connections between the two processes, it is quite possible that you have already started to think more responsively to your needs.

Tomorrow we go one step further and look at how our practice can differentiate according to our needs.

Let me know how you get on.



Charlotte Douglas