For a practice to be responsive to our needs we need to understand the internal and external weather of ourselves, in that given moment.

This is a crucial aspect of self practice & ought not to be missed. In the beginning this can be confusing as the mind will play tricks & tell you stuff it wants you to hear, the voices will drown out the inner intuition. But after a while, with practice, it will become an aspect of your practice that you treasure. In fact it may be your practice, it may be all that you need.

From your weather report you can identify where you sit in life right now, which side of the river & from there you may be able to identify what you need.

If you are bored - you need to get creative
If you are tired - you need to rest
If you are anxious - you need to find structure
....and so it goes on however we could consider giving ourselves three types of practice - one that is restful, one that is stabilising & one that is energising

The weather report takes you through the layers of your being & it allows you to discern what it is you need - what type of practice you need.

Because I am kind I am giving you today a free recording of a 10 minute weather report.......hit the link, sit back & work inwards.

If it motivates you to move in anyway, please do not hold back. Tomorrow though we will start to explore these 3 different types of practice.

In peace


Charlotte Douglas