My word for 2019 was GRACE & over the last 12 months so much has been revealed to me. It has been an incredible time of learning, evolving & unraveling. New connections have been made & old ones deepened. Through my practice I opened up the doorways into the feminine with gentle, embodied practices; moving & breathing with feeling; letting curiosity be my guide. Yet along the way there has remained a persistent & nagging pain, each time I sat with another teacher I hoped that they’d be the much needed fix but still it remained. Despite all I learned I still could feel the shadows lurking in the form of pain. My time in America however gave me much needed insight, an understanding & appreciation of this messenger that I call pain. The messenger that has given me my word for 2020

For 2020 shall be all about VULNERABILITY

RELATIONSHIP - Social harmony. Building connections to my tribe. Getting messy & vulnerable in conversation with those I love & care for but also having the courage to have the difficult & awkward conversations with those I find it harder to connect with. Allowing my vulnerability to be a quiet inner strength & stillness within me.

BREATH - The life force that drives me. Accepting who I am, accepting the anxious energy of my nature & diving deep into the enquiry of the exhale. There’s a deliciousness to the exhalation, as the nervous system settles there’s a pause that occurs before the inhalation that’s spacious & rich in sensation. It’s a profound moment of vulnerability, to breathe without the need to gasp for a breath.

PAIN - an output of my brain in response to a sense of threat, a messenger asking me to pay attention. To be curious about what my pain means, to fully lean in & see it. To dive deep into the memories & stories of my being, to bring to the light all that needs to be seen. To allow my flawed human nature to express its own power & purpose through my vulnerability. To allow myself to be seen, not as a perfect being, but as someone who can feel safe to be completely & utterly imperfect.

So 2020 - bring it on, I am ready!

Charlotte Douglas