Fourth year running of attending the dreams & vision boards workshop with the most marvellous @wildatartstudio - the art studio with the biggest heart in town.

I think we can all agree that 2022 was a bumpy ride & that it would nice if 2023 was a little more spacious.

I don’t have a solid word for 2023 & so my wish is to simply find the space to breathe into my belly, to slow down my heart & to increase my capacity for presence.

I seek to continue weaving together somatic movement with compassionate inquiry - merging the ancient teachings of yoga with a modern day understanding of trauma. I seek to explore the wholeness that is my true self so that I may sit with others & allow them to see their whole self.

I seek also to explore themes such as:-

Story telling

Connected & emphatic listening



Joyful play

Heart centered touch

Overall I’m looking to take up more space & to stand firm in who I am & what I do.

It’s the year I turn 50 & it’ll be my 12th year in practice. I’m going to mark those milestones with a trip to a place where the sky is blue, the sea is crystal clear & the air is brimming with possibility.

Let’s do this 2023

Charlotte Douglas