It's that time of year when I take a moment to introduce myself to you all, some of you may be new to this page & I thank you for being here.

I took my first yoga class 25 years ago, I trained to be a yoga teacher 12 years ago & a Yoga Therapist 6 years ago & now I am studying Compassionate Inquiry with Dr Gabor Mate. I am an eternal student - the pile of books on my bedside table & the bucket list of people I wish to study with, never seems to get any smaller

But none of that is what makes me me. None of the certificates or the books filled with notes are who I am, or define what I do.

I am simply a human who is curious & who is willing to sit with you & be curious alongside you.

I have no agenda, I simply & humbly offer to help you realise your intentions & meet your needs.

My role is not for me to try to make you see anything, or share insights with you, or give you advice. I’m not even there to help you feel better, to heal you, to cure you, to solve your problems. That’s not my role.

At the core of what I offer is the basic premise that healing is a naturally occurring process, one you’re already in the middle of. You are going to recruit many people to accompany you on this journey, you will seek out community & connection in many different places, healing is relational. I may just be one small cog in that wheel.

I will though seek to reflect back to you what I see, hear, notice, & feel in our shared times together, & whilst some of this may appear as insight, I believe it emerges naturally in the space we create together formed from connection, trust & safety.

I look forward to connecting with you, you may wish to see me in person at the Osteopath Centre HK or you can work with me online, or attend a retreat.

Or maybe you just want to drop by for a cup of tea & a chat.

I love to chat & you would always be welcome

Charlotte Douglas