The psoas muscles are the deepest muscles in our body. They are the link between our spine, diaphragm and legs and act as messengers between our inner selves and the outer world.  They are involved in almost every movement we make – walking, running and sitting and provide important pathways for neural messages.

The psoas muscles are a resource for resilience, centered-ness, stability and strength, and in order to find freedom in our bodies and in our practice, then we need our psoas muscles to be reflexive, responsive and reactive to our needs.

As a result of todays modern lifestyle, for many of us, the psoas is tight and weak, leading to a lack of deep core integration which can have an impact on how we stand, how we move and also how we breathe. 

In this workshop you will dive into the world of the psoas muscle, through a combination of lecture, breath-work, somatic movements & asana you will explore

  1. Where the psoas is, what it does and what it influences 

  2. How to passively release, lengthen and engage the psoas muscles

  3. How to access greater support from the spine

  4. How to move your body with more connection and integrity

You will walk away feeling more grounded, more centred and connected both to your body and your sense of self

Charlotte Douglas