Are you getting the idea of what a RESPONSIVE SELF PRACTICE is yet?

Will you be surprised if I tell you that I’m not going to give you a sequence to follow?

You know that if I did all that would happen is you would follow that sequence & in doing so shut down your inner voice. Remember I said it’s a “work in” not a “work out”? There is some work involved here & you gotta do it!

Now, what does your weather report indicate? Does it feel like there is an excess of energy, inertia or is there balance & what do you feel you need? Here’s a clue ~ if you believe that the aim of your practice is to bring you into balance then it may indicate that your practice needs to be the opposite of your internal & external weather.

So that could look something like this:-

• Energy -- >> Restful

• Inertia --- >> Energising

• Balance -->> Stabilising

And today’s practice is to find one body shape or movement that feels most appropriate to your weather report.

Here’s a few starter suggestions

* A restful practice needs to be calming, soothing & gentle - think reverse savasana (face down), childs pose, restorative butterfly pose

* An energising practice may need flow & dynamic energy - think sun salutations, dynamic bridge, cat/cow, warrior postures

* A stabilising practice needs to be balanced & neutral - think side lying pose, constructive rest post, bridge pose, mountain pose, tree pose

Then stop & pause & ask yourself the question “Did my practice today bring me closer to X?” (Reference Day 1s enquiry)

And let me know.

In peace


Note - of course if you want to do more, do more, however tomorrow we will start to build on this & start to find the beginnings of a sequence.

Charlotte Douglas