A little video message from me on yoga and self practice

Yoga is not pixie dust, unicorns & fairy tales, despite what social media's glossy image of it is. Yoga is sometimes unexciting, boring even, frequently confronting and challenging. There is no 10 step programme that you have to do either, you will not be suddenly be surrounded by a great white light with the sound of angels singing once you have done enough or achieved enough. The truth is you are already there, you are already enough, you have done enough. So please stop telling yourself you need to do more.

Yoga is very simply about showing up, showing up for yourself and showing up for others. Life is messy, chaotic but beautiful & an authentic practice is one that truly meets your needs in the moment, not what someone has told you to do.

My morning started slow, yes even yogis can wake up feeling a little ragged at the edges. I walked the dogs, even though I wanted to stay in bed. I then had a choice - go back to bed or get onto my mat - it was a tough decision but the mat won. It won because I wanted to show up for myself but also for anyone who is reading/listening to this today. I moved very slowly, it was not very exciting to watch, but it was what I needed, it was enough.

Love to you all

Charlotte Douglas