Last Sunday on a total impulse I decided to take you all on a 7 day process called build a self practice - I didn’t think it through, I hadn’t planned it but something in me decided it was what I wanted to do.

I’m a yoga teacher by trade, technically speaking my income is generated by students & therefore it benefits me for people to come to me to practice yoga. But here’s the thing, I don’t own yoga & nor does any other teacher out there. Anyone who tells you that “their” yoga is superior to another yoga is lying. Yoga is not for owning. However people will always seek out teachers & do not get me wrong, this is good thing as we all have so much to share & pass on, but as Mark Whitwell says “A yoga teacher is nothing more than a friend, nothing less than a friend”. So it’s in the spirit of friendship that I wish for everyone to feel empowered by their own self practice.

Take classes with a teacher, sit with a teacher but know that once you recognise that your best teacher is yourself, then truly you’ll understand yoga. Not only that you’ll be able to be more in tune with your needs & your practice will be a constantly evolving process of **SENSING —->> FEELING —->> DEDUCTING —->> ADAPTING —->> EVOLVING** able to cope with the fluctuations of life, equipping you with resilience & adaptability for all that arises.

All these posts are on my blog page - you can return to this whenever you feel it’s right for you. Any questions or hesitations, message me & we can talk it over.

In peace

Charlotte Douglas